Top 5 Common Squirrel Entry Points

Top 5 Common Squirrel Entry Points

Do you have a squirrel problem? Or maybe you’re concerned as a homeowner if you need to secure your home in case of a squirrel infestation. 

Finding and getting rid of common squirrel entry points is one of the most important ways to reduce your chance of squirrels invading your home and causing expensive, costly damage. 

And if you already have damage or want an expert to help with your preventative measures, it’s advisable to call a professional squirrel removal company in Hamilton to take care of all your needs today.

Ready to find the most common squirrel entry points? Read on.

What Are the Most Common Squirrel Entry Points?

#1. Chimneys

If your chimney is unsecured, squirrels can easily run down your chimney and access your house. Even the tiniest of holes can allow a squirrel to squeeze through and invade your home. This makes chimneys a favourite for squirrels.

Chimneys are easy to access for squirrels because squirrels can easily climb brick and fall into the fireplace. They can also build nests at the bottom of chimneys.

#2. Roof and soffit intersections

Roof soffits are a great entry point for squirrels because many meeting points aren’t flush; the shingles from the lower part of the roof typically don’t seal completely with the soffit above it. This means there can easily be a small hole that squirrels can squeeze through to access your home. 

#3. Roof vents

Many houses in Ontario, Canada contain attic roof vents to release the warm air from your home. This is a great invitation to squirrels who are seeking a warm shelter during cold winter months. 

Even if a plastic or aluminum roof vent cover is used, squirrels can use their strong teeth to bite through it and invade your home.

#4. Plumbing mats

Located on the outside walls of most homes, plumbing mats are used to vent out sewer gases connected to plumbing systems in the home. Plumbing mats are also usually made of rubber, which is no match for squirrel teeth.

#5. Roof edges

Rood edges tend to be made of wood and soak up a lot of moisture from the wet, humid days. The roof edges deteriorate from moisture and ice, which allows squirrels to easily chew through the weakened roof edge.

What Can I Do to Prevent Squirrels from Invading My Home?

Trying to outwit a squirrel may prove futile— squirrels are pests that have willpower and cleverness and will run circles around you if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why it’s important to discuss your options with a professional wildlife removal company. 

Experts who have years of experience in removing squirrels will be able to discuss and implement strategies to prevent squirrels from entering your home and causing unwanted damage.